Board Responsibilities
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Attend monthly Board meetings (generally second Saturday of each month), Annual Board Retreats, Annual General Meeting, Diocesan Days and workshops.
- Read the Handbook of information for Episcopal Church Women.
- Read the President’s memo and the minutes and make any additions or corrections to the minutes before attending the Board meeting.
- Notify the Secretary or President if unable to attend the monthly Board meeting.
- Notify President two weeks prior to Board meetings if time is wanted on the agenda for the meeting, including the length of time and the reason.
- Send copies of any fliers or letters to the President and the ECW office.
- Send tentative budgets to the Treasurer for any workshops or meetings.
- Send all bills to the Treasurer.
- Send budget considerations to the Finance Chairperson in November.
- Be alert to, look for, identify, and nurture potential Board members and others for Diocesan committees.
- Be willing to give time and energy required to do the job.
- Preside at Executive Board and general meetings.
- Delegate responsibility for achieving the aims of women’s work by appointing committees.
- Keep in close touch with the diocesan organization by attending regional and diocesan meetings and encourage the women of the church to attend.
- Pass on to her successor all correspondence and material related to the office of the president.
- In order to carry out these duties, the president should be willing and able to give generously of her time, demonstrating strength and initiative. Because of her commitment, she should lead the way in worship and attend church on a regular basis. She also needs to understand the aims and current scope of women’s work in the local church and in the diocese. She should have the ability to let the members of the group feel that their individual participation and corporate efforts are essential to achieve the goals of the group. Ideally, she should have experience as a Board member and plan to spend two days a week in the ECW Office at Church House in addition to times mentioned above.
- In the absence of the President, preside at Executive Board and general meetings.
- Assist the President by representing her at group meetings, if necessary; or serving as chairperson or member of a committee.
- Attend Board meetings.
- Help the President in parish, community, and diocesan activities. Attend diocesan, regional, national meetings as requested by president. Work with specific committees as appointed and with special events initiated by the Board.
- Must familiarize herself with the work of the women of the church and of the ECW Board.
- Takes minutes at monthly and special Board meetings, at the Annual Meeting and all general ECW meetings.
- Keeps a permanent file of minutes and all attachments, including complete reports and important documents.
- Sends minutes to the President at least two weeks prior to next Board meeting.
- Keeps a record of all members present at meetings.
- Distributes any correspondence pertaining to the group as directed by the President.
- Prepares programs for Annual General Meeting, Advent Prayer Breakfast, Annual Retreat and other programs as assigned by board.
- Sends out email reminders to board members for regular and special meetings.
- Maintains and updates mailing list. Purchases postage stamps and envelopes, makes copies and assembles all materials for mass mailing. (Funds for stamps and envelopes are provided by the Treasurer with the submission of the check request form. (The Church House photocopier is available upon request.)
- Have charge of funds, except those of the United Thank Offering, Memorial Scholarship Fund, and Church Periodical Club. Administer the funds in accordance with the budget or the vote of the group.
- Working with the Finance Committee, plan the budget for the year.Understand every item in the budget and the system of acquiring funds.
- Report monthly, presenting an accurate statement of receipts and expenditures.
- Assist in the preparation of the yearly budget and present a yearly statement of receipts and expenditures at the Annual General Meeting.
- Attend Board meetings and functions.
- Serve as liaison between the ECW Board and parish groups.
- Establish contact and becomes knowledgeable about the parish groups in the area represented.
- Maintain regular contact with parish groups, but assume no responsibility for creating an ECW structure where one is not wanted.
- Is available to parish groups upon request to: Help them organize an ECW, help a group to identify needs and meet them, help revitalize their organization, make known diocesan resources, provide leadership training.
- Show their interest in parish groups by attending local meetings, taking area parish newsletters.
- Assume responsibility for planning and carrying through area workshops which could: meet the needs of people in the area, focus on Board goals, offer a means of discussion on all sides of issues of concern to the whole church, offer parish groups a design for evaluation and/or restructure.
- Assess financial needs with respect to consultant help for workshops,designs for parishes, possible speakers and leaders.
- Keep President informed of their expectations for her and other Board members.
- Support the work of the ECW Board and individual chairpersons/ECW parish presidents/resource persons.
- Provide continuity when successor takes over.
- Keep President and Administrative Assistant informed about parish groups and own work.
- Work with Regional Steering Committee (assemblies).
- Live in geographical area that she represents. (This is not essential, but helpful.)
- From the Diocesan CPC Director you will receive copies of the National Book Fund Report which are suitable for bulletin boards and newsletters,so that all in your church will know the needs and situations of worldwide requests for aid and to what extend CPC had been able to help.
- Observe CPC Sunday (first Sunday in October). Use the CPC prayer. Send check to diocesan coordinator by November 1st.
- Have a CPC poster contest – enlist help of Sunday School (optional).
- Continue local projects and take on new ones. The need for good printed materials is always there.
- For proper bookkeeping, follow the guidelines for a treasurer and/or a UTO coordinator.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Write letters each early spring and early fall to parish UTO representatives,or lacking a name, to parish ECW President, Outreach Chairman, or any other contact we may have. Indicate in letter, among other things, that if possible, contributions from Spring and Fall UTO Ingatherings be put into one check and sent to our office address at Church House. Transmit letters to our Administrative Assistant at Church House, who does letters on our letterhead and mails them from her office.
- Write another letter in acknowledgement of receipt of UTO funds at our office and transmit to our Administrative Assistant. Periodically update letter.
- Maintain bank account for the funds to which our Administrative Assistant sends UTO contributions from parishes.
- Submit UTO funds to National UTO Committee at least four times per year.
- Report to ECW Board President and Secretary with written report at appropriate times.
- Communicate with Provincial UTO Representative
- Promote and interpret UTO as part of the mission of the Church.
- Correspond with, supply information to, and be available for speaking engagements with parish groups.
- Plan UTO Ingatherings at Annual Meeting of ECW and give report of past year.
- Make known to parishes when, in October each year, UTO Grant Request Forms arrive at our office; Administrative Assistant can do this through Diocesan publications, i.e., Did You Know?
- Establish a Screening Committee to meet to narrow down, if necessary, to one domestic and one overseas Grant Request to forward to the National UTO Committee in New York.
- Participate in ECW Board activities and projects.
- Attend the Triennial Meeting of ECW (most expenses underwritten).
- Ability to communicate well both orally and in writing.
- Ability to keep basic financial records, as communicated from Administrative Assistant.
- Audit of books shows records are in order.
- Parish and Diocesan Ingatherings run smoothly.
- Continued UTO support by parishes.